For the past 30 years we have operated a handful of independent Chinese restaurants in Santa Clara County, California . We found it harder every year to find a skillful dim sum chef. To overcome this, I thought that implementing technology could help replace the difficult finger work. After more than four years of planning, researching, sleepless nights of brainstorming, and testing, we successfully modified existing food machines to produce dumplings, baos and appetizers. They are highly compatible to handmade dim sum in appearance, taste and texture, as well as quality consistency. Beside updating our products periodically to meet current consumer trend, we also innovate to meet the requests of our clients’ professional chefs. We are committed to providing our dim sums and appetizers at restaurant industry quality. Feel free to email us at: or call us at 408.685.2597 for free sample. We will guide you in cooking our dumplings and baos at the optimal cooking temperature and timing. Guarantee no hard sale nor any obligation to purchase.
在加州圣克拉拉县经营數家中餐馆的三十多年来,我们总感到找个熟练的点心师父越来越困难,因此我常思考在保持传统品质要求下如何能管控又有效率的做出经济实惠又高质量的点心。为了克服这个挑戰,经历了多年失眠间的思考,终於想出通过食品机㭜来取代手工。经过四年多的策划、研究、测试和屡败,我们重新認识食材特性与机械的作用而改良了既有技术和机器的功能,生产出外观、味觉和口感媲美於手工的点心、並兼有稳定与质量的一致性。身為中餐經營者、我们深明中攴饮业发展最困难的其中一環节是管控好廚房的繁復操作。美亜团队希望能在简化操作这一节作出一点贡献。欢迎电邮: 或电话: 408.685.2597 索取免费样品。